The Simple
Analytics Framework

Get started on your data engineering and analytics wish list for FREE.

Sure, if you're ready to talk to us about your data needs, absolutely contact us.

But if you're not sure yet and just thinking about your data — here's the same framework we use to prioritize data investments. The downloadable SAF makes data analytics ideas:

  • Easy to budget for with transparent, long-term costs for combining data sources, building metrics, and standing up shareable dashboards
  • Easy to communicate around the office where you can collect feedback
  • Easy to build stakeholder alignment around and get buy-in for making data analytics investments in phases

The SAF, What is It?

What's included in the SAF? What is it?

It's a spreadsheet! You know all about those things.

Our Simple Analytics Framework is really just a way for you to collect your wants and plans for data and match them with the data that your business has or wants.

It's a simple idea to just get each data source down in a row and explain to your colleagues, or us, what value you think that data holds. Do that over and over again with each of your sources, each of your ideal metrics/KPIs, and each of your ideal dashboards/data audiences. Then you'll be in a spot to help your company prioritize which analytics are most important to your company, right now.

After a short conversation with us, we'll be able to talk about predictable costs which you can also add to the spreadsheet to get buy-in. In a word, we're here to make data analytics SIMPLE. For you anyway. We still gotta do the heavy lifting!

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